Suddenly, it seems that our rights only matter as long is no one is offended. You aren't actually free to say what you think, you're only free to say what others are comfortable with you thinking and be careful not to say things that people are uncomfortable because there will be consequences. This brings up the story from my little sister's first year of high school. She had recently purchased a blue t-shirt with a bottle of white milk, chocolate milk and strawberry flavored milk on the front of it, coupled with the slogan "Celebrate Diversity." Midway through the day she was pulled aside by the principal of the school who had told her that she is not allowed to wear that t-shirt any more and that she would face detention if she did. The reasoning behind this was that someone took offence to the milk on her t-shirt because my little sister is well endowed and the milk may have referred to that. Talk about misconstrued interpretation of a comical anti-racist shirt.
This doesn't end at high school either. In fact it merely gets worse the higher up you go. Enter the workplace, where an offended someones trip to human resources can have you sleeping in the streets. Take a step higher into the political sphere, where one wrong comment can be a danger to you're life. Venture into the public eye via stardom or publishing and be prepared to be sued if you utter an "inappropriate" phrase. You might just end up joining a religion you don't believe in to avoid persecution (Scientology any one).
The point of all of this is that PC is a legalised tool for controlling people actions and thoughts. So when did you're freedom of speech end? I personally can't tell you, I can make an educated guess on it but I might be wrong. Instead I'll let you figure it out. That way you can get just as pissed off about it as me.
ReplyDeleteYou're off to a good start. I like it! If you can clean up a few minor grammatical errors (e.g. using "you're" when "your" was called for), then your writings will have ME drooling with envy; as it is, they already do... :)
I like this so much though, I might run this on my blog. I have so much material that I don't know WHEN I'll get to it all though...
The force is strong with this young one, MM.