Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Beautiful Mirage

Rewind the tape, let's say, about half of a century, to the beginning of what we now recognize as feminism. Back then, not many women worked and if they did they worked minor jobs. The family was a healthy functioning unit. Nearly every child was raised by both parents. Not everyone had a lot but everyone had what they needed and they were happy with it. Enter feminism.

Feminism came under the guise of equality and liberation, something that no one with western values could be against, and spoke of getting women into the workplace, making the world a better place for women and everyone else. At first this would seem great to most people, the general idea being: If the wife is working then the family unit will have more money. A sound, simple and fool proof thought. But, as we all know, the majority of people are nothing but fools and fools will think in the hear and now and examine the surface but he will rarely look passed his first presumption or have the foresight to imagine the future consequences.

Back then there were more jobs that needed to be done than there were people to do them and as my grandfather used to tell me "Alex, I tell you, back when I was young, you could quit your job in the morning and have another one before supper". But all of that changed. In a rather short period of time the working population grew, now women were coming in. This made it harder to get a job, but on the plus side, those families with two incomes were well off.

So now there was more money in the system. People could afford more and as a result they spent more. Prices were on the rise and so were wages, though rising much slower. Fast forward a few decades and we find people buying things they don't need, that they can't really afford but will buy on credit. Young families taking on huge debts to buy big houses for the two kids that they plan to have in the future, maybe three, but most can't afford that many kids. Nearly no one is happy with what they have. The kicker: raising a family to the average standard now requires two average jobs, leaving women to busy being men to be proper moms.

The damage is done and it would be extremely hard to reverse even if the masses wanted to reverse it. What can you do? Well there isn't much you can do, but here's what I suggest: The next time someone offers you a pretty flower and says it won't wilt, at least, at the very least, check for thorns before you grab it.

P.S. I'll try to post a few times a week, so check back often enough for new articles.

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