Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Free Speech

Lately, I've noticed a scary trend. People have forgotten what their right to freedom of speech and expression really is. People seem to think you can say whatever you want as long as you're saying nice things and if you don't say nice thing then you can be punished if the offended want you to be. But that's not how it works. That's not the way it goes. That's not way it's meant to be. So you might be thinking to yourself "Alright genius, explain this to me. Dow does it work?" Well, I'm glad that you might have asked that thought.

Freedom of speech and expression is the right to what you think about who/what, when you want to, however you want to with no legal consequences. That's right, no legal consequences. Now you might be thinking "But you might hurt peoples feelings, you might upset someone, you might hurt somebodies reputation or the general public outlook of something." Well nothing in life is without a price and to truly have free speech you have to accept the fact that people are going to say things that you don't like, people are going to say things that offend you, people are going to say things that hurt your feelings.

So here's what I propose. I say we should have a free speech awareness day where people are encouraged to say whatever the hell they want to without reservation with no liability to remind people that your mouth belongs to you, your thoughts are your own and if you want them to fly everywhere, that's your right.

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